Ошибка при выполнении запроса: (You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND articles.country IN (14,15,20,21) AND tia.id_tags IN (5838, 25, 2437, 3...' at line 11) SELECT DISTINCT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS `articles`.*, tc.`url` AS `category_url`, tc.`title_ru` AS `category_title_ru` FROM `articles` LEFT JOIN `categories` AS tc ON tc.`id` = `articles`.`country` LEFT JOIN `subcategories` AS tsc ON tsc.`id` = `articles`.`subcountry` LEFT JOIN tags_in_articles tia ON tia.id_articles = articles.id WHERE `articles`.`status` = 'active' AND `articles`.`publication_date` <= AND articles.country IN (14,15,20,21) AND tia.id_tags IN (5838, 25, 2437, 366, 5844, 5843) AND `articles`.is_hidden_article = 0 ORDER BY `articles`.`is_main_ukraine` DESC, `articles`.`publication_date` DESC